In this day and age, waste water gets recycled and reused through the use of modern water treatment. The N-Viro Process recycles wastewater and other organic wastes produced by fertilizers, garbage, bacteria, algae, chemical products from industries, and the like to make sure recycled water is safe reuse again and again.
Whay is N-Viro? N-Viro Process is owned and licensed by N-Viro International Corporation. N-Viro is a certified technology to treat and stabilize the wastewater, and lessens odors to a variety of levels, and defuses toxic constituents. It also processes the treatment and recycling of bioorganic wastes such as alkaline derivatives and byproducts. Moreover, N-Viro International Corporation (NVIC) (“N-Viro”) also owns patented renewable biofuel N-Viro Fuel and, N-Viro Soil technologies to change various types of waste into valuable reuse products. The N-Viro converts waste to energy to promote alternative energy. N-Viro is for renewable energy, opportunity fuels, and clean coal, which have been licensed throughout the United States.
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